12. Age of Apocalypse

Age of Apocalypse

The Age of Apocalypse timeline has been revisited numerous times over the years, and was created when the son of Charles Xavier travelled back in time to kill Magneto. However, when Xavier died protecting his former friend, a new timeline was created where Magneto came to believe in his late friend’s dream of a peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants.

However, Apocalypse chooses this moment as the perfect time to begin his world conquest and takes over North America, killing millions of humans in the process. This will more than likely form the basis of the story for X-Men: Apocalypse, and perhaps explains how we’ll end up seeing some of the original cast again.

Unlike the alternate future we saw in X-Men: Days of Future Past, if Fox decides to flesh out this new world, there would be a good chance that we would all be interested enough in going back for more.