8. Red Band Society

Red Band Society

Red Band Society could be something great or it could end up being forgettable fluff like Glee based on glossy looking promo art pictures above. Hopefully that’s not a reflection of this TV series, as the coming of age drama tackles some serious issues.

Set in the children’s ward of a Los Angeles hospital, it follows a group of patients as they face both life changing and life threatening challenges as a result of cancer and various other serious health issues. Griffin Gluck, Zoe Levin, Charlie Rowe, Astro, Ciara Bravo, and Nolan Sotillo star as the young Breakfast Club-like group of protagonists, while Octavia Spencer and a couple of other slightly less familiar faces play the doctors and nurses helping them through these difficult times.

Red Band Society is a TV show which could go either way, but it’s worth keeping an eye on.