4. Amazing Spider-Man: The Night Gwen Stacy Died


The recent trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (which we analysed in detail here) features Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy wearing a costume which is VERY familiar to comic book fans. Whether it’s an Easter egg or a sign that Peter Parker’s girlfriend will meet her maker at the hands of one of the sequel’s many villains is unclear, but this superb classic is a must-read for even the most casual of Spider-Man fans. It tells the story of Spidey’s epic final battle with the Green Goblin in which the villain kidnaps the wallcrawler’s girlfriend and throws her from the Brooklyn Bridge. When the hero attempts to save her with a single strand of webbing, a small “Snap” caption is shown, leaving it up to the interpretation of the reader to decide whether Spider-Man inadvertently killed her or whether she was already dead when the Goblin threw her off.