6. Captain America: The Death of Captain America


If you’re curious as to what the future might hold for The Winter Soldier, then this is the perfect place to turn for both that and to get to know the character better. At the conclusion of Marvel’s Civil War, Steve Rogers is taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D. and later assassinated by the Red Skull and Crossbones while being taken to face trial. This ultimately leads to Bucky (no longer brainwashed into being an assassin for the Russians) taking over the mantle of Captain America, and he became a truly fan favourite character in the process. With a new costume and the use of a sidearm, he differentiated himself in the role to his predecessor. With Chris Evans only signed up for six appearances as The First Avenger, don’t be surprised if Sebastian Stan one day follows in the footsteps of his comic book counterpart!