It’s a bold move certainly.

This poster, which I am reliably informed is the Korean version, for Paul W.S. Anderson’s BIG screen yahoo for the story of The Three Musketeers must have Alexandre Dumas spinning in his grave like a rotiserrie chicken in a hurricane.

You will notice almost immediately there are no musketeers on show here, meaning that it is essentially a poster for a different film, perhaps The Two Airships or A Couple of Floaters, but keen eyed fans of this film will notice that one of the more ambitious departures for Anderson’s adaptation of the classic story does indeed involve duelling airships, with 3D friendly cannon booms no doubt.

A more sober selection of posters and other T3M ‘goodies’ can be found here.

Now, here’s your poster for which we must thank IMPA,


Sadly, very sadly we were asked to remove it. It’s most sad because it clarifies that it was an official poster. Oh well.

Here's Dogtanian to compensate