The recent trailer for Martin Campbell’s big screen take on Green Lantern gave us a good idea of what Ryan Reynolds would look like in his CG green finery, and while the real world aspects of the story were pushed to the fore a new picture has emerged which shows off a more alien element.

It’s not too much of a surprise to say that we’re always interested when Mark Strong gets involved in a project and his role as Sinestro in Green Lantern has been glimpsed briefly in the trailer but this new image gives us a far better look at his character.

We recently saw Tomar-Re and this image shows another of the Green Lantern Corps, and Strong looks particularly devious in this picture.

All other kinds of trailer and images can be found here, and we have to wait until the 17th of June to see our Mr Reynolds getting his hands on the green ring.

Click on the image to make it big,

Cine Heroes had it (via Latino Review)