While recovering from the thousand hand backslapping he took at last night’s National Movie Awards here in the UK, Tom Cruise’s appearance reminded us that he’s got a new film coming out on the 2nd of July here in the UK and two new clips for Knight and Day are online now.

With a remit approaching something like Mission: Charlie’s Angels Cruise and Diaz are more than capable of rolling with the punches and explosions while still keeping the charm/sass factor high.

The clips linked below give a fairly good indication of what we have in store when this James Mangold directed spy comedy hits.

The official synopsis goes something like this…

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz star in the globe-trotting action-comedy adventure Knight and Day. During their glamorous and sometimes deadly adventure, nothing and no one – even the now fugitive couple – are what they seem. Amid shifting alliances and unexpected betrayals, they race across the globe, with their survival ultimately hinging on the battle of truth vs trust.

The first clip is an exclusive five minute scene from the movie, and is sadly only available on The Sun’s website, so click here to watch it.

The second clip, the slightly presupposing ‘super trailer’ is a Moviefone exclusive so credit to them.