Directed by Terrence Malick, The Tree of Life stars Brad Pitt, Jessica Chastain and Sean Penn. It will be released in the UK on May 4, before competing for the coveted Palme d’Or at the 64th annual Cannes Film Festival.
The Tree of Life is a period film centered around three boys in the 1950’s. The eldest son of two characters witnesses the loss of innocence.
The soundtrack, composed by Alexandre Desplat (The King’s Speech), will be released on May 24.
The full tracklist is detailed below:
- Childhood
- Circles
- Clouds
- River
- Awakening
- Emergence of Life
- Light & Darkness
- Good & Evil
- Motherhood
- City of Glass
- Fatherhood
- Temptation
- Skies
Source: Lakeshore Records (via: Film Music Reporter)