Michael plays the character of LA Cop Mike Zavala, the partner of Jake Gyllenhaal who are also best friends. They see each other outside work, attend weddings, baptisms and do everything together and because of that, it was really important that the two actors because really good pals in real life. End of Watch has multiple scenes of the two actors driving through the streets of LA while basically mocking one another. I ask Michael about getting that tone right and working in a way which seemed like they’d known and worked with one another for years. I talk to him about how they made the banter look so natural, cruising around with real police officers in LA and how they managed to achieve some of the point of view shots in the movie.
Check it out below and click here for the rest of our coverage of End of Watch on HeyUGuys.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEGx_5esawc’]