Though The Great first premiered to international audiences last year, it’s only now finally arrived over ‘ere, and we’re thrilled it has, as it’s a brilliantly comedic period drama, with a cast consisting of the likes of Nicholas Hoult, Elle Fanning and Phoebe Fox. To mark its airing on Channel 4 – with episode one on catch up now and the second this coming Sunday – we had the pleasure of speaking about the project with Fox, who is one of the funniest things about this light-hearted production.

We spoke to Fox in length, via Zoom, about her role and the joys in having comedic freedom in the show, and also how fun it is to appear in a period piece of this nature. She also comments on her collaboration with Elle Fanning, while gives us a very brief idea of what fans can expect from season two. We also talk about the past year and the challenges that have come about from the pandemic, and how this will be affecting the arts in the future.

Watch our full interview with the brilliant Phoebe Fox right here:


A genre-bending, anti-historical ride through 18th-century Russia following the wildly comedic rise of Catherine the Nothing to Catherine the Great.

The Great began on Channel 4 on January 3rd with episode two airing on Sunday January 10th