After creating iconic gangsters on the small screen in critically acclaimed dramas like Boardwalk Empire and The Sopranos, Terence Winter has come on board to rewrite and polish the latest draft of the screenplay. Jonathan Herman was responsible for that, but given Winter’s expertise in this area, it’s easy to imagine some major improvements being made.
Variety actually points out that his knowledge about gangsters and real life relationships with former criminals is what led to them realising he was the right man to sort out Scarface.
This new take on Scarface is going to be a reimagining of the original which moves the action to Los Angeles and puts the focus on a Mexican immigrant. The 1983 version was of course a remake of the 1932 one, so seeing what Fuqua and The Wolf of Wall Street scribe have come up with her should be very interesting. As always, be sure to stay tuned for updates!