

An emergence in popularity of B-movies with the eager anticipation of a Sharknado sequel, The Toxic Avenger is a film that epitomises the genre.

It is heralded as the “first superhero born out of nuclear waste” – a concept that is so bad that it’s good which is a reoccurring notion throughout the film.

Transformation tales of man into beast are no stranger to cinema but when it is as a result of falling into a vat of nuclear waste then it peaks an interest. So what powers exactly would you inherit from such an accident? Your bog standard superhuman size and strength, of course.

As your not-so-average superhero, we do not see Toxie tie-up criminals to leave to the police but instead witness scenes of limbs being ripped apart and other ridiculous death sequences that are mind-bogglingly gruesome.

It is a film more comedic than horrifying despite the graphic scenes of violence and rumoured to be given the reboot treatment with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the starring role.