Ryan's World

Ryan Kaji has become something of a global sensation, thanks to his hugely popular YouTube channel which is run by his parents Shion and LoAnn. So popular, they’ve now made the move over to the silver screen, with their first film ‘Ryan’s World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure’ released in the States.

To mark the occasion, we had the pleasure in speaking to Ryan and his parents, to discuss this part live-action, part animation – as they talk about their joy in being in a movie, and also just how much fun was had during the shoot.

Watch the full interview with Ryan, Shion and Loann here:


Ryan’s twin sisters Emma and Kate get trapped in a comic book world. Ryan enters this realm to rescue them, facing adventures, battles, and mishaps while attempting to bring them back before his parents discover their disappearance.

Ryan’s World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure is out now.