Calling your film The Final Chapter is just tempting fate. Although the last few Resident Evil movies have dragged the franchise’s once fearsome carcass along the ground, there are still plenty of people nostalgic enough for Paul W. S. Anderson to get another greenlight.

Milla Jovovich returns as Alice, along with faces old and new, including Ali Larter, Shawn Roberts, Eoin Macken, Lee Joon-Gi and everyone’s favourite diseased wanderer (in Game of Thrones, let me clarify) Iain Glen.

Below we present the international trailer, poster and the first still to be released from the film. It’s due out all over the world in December.

We can but hope that there’s still something kicking in this series to send it off with a bang.

UPDATE IGN have the full trailer and new poster, see the both below,

Resident Evil Final Chapter US Poster


Here you go,

Milla Jovovich stars in Screen Gems' RESIDENT EVIL: THE FINAL CHAPTER.

resident evil final chapter posterAnd here’s your trailer,