Avatar Featurette Released with the latest trailer for James Cameron’s Avatar is this accompanying featurette, detailing the director’s vision for the film, from its initial inception to the character models of the Na’vi and there’s new footage. Cameron is clearly commanding this film like his own personal army and this video shows only part of the massively complex machine the production of Avatar is.

Actors and crew are on hand to sing the Avatar song, but this featurette is worth watching for the new footage alone. The new trailer concentrated on the characters as well as the stunning world of Pandora and the new footage gives you more of both elements, personally (and I don’t speak for the other HeyUGuys writers) I’m still not hooked, but Gary saw the Avatar day 3D footage and was converted.

Looks like it’ll be a long wait until the 18th of December, until then, take a look after the jump. There’s no doubting Cameron’s capability and dedication to push envelopes and create something new out of the cinematic experience, let’s hope his vision convinces us as it convinced him.