Whether it is the lawyer chewing, the twin T-Rex attack or the bit in the third film that you love (I couldn’t think of one myself) there’s lots to enjoy and now you can indulge yourself with extra crispy HD dino-goodness. October the 24th is the day to smash your piggy bank and dash to the local Blu-ray emporium.
But hold. Hands up how many of you saw the original in the cinema way back in 1993? If your hand is down by your side don’t despair because Universal are doing the decent thing and re-releasing the ultimate 90s creature feature back into UK cinemas on the 23rd of September.
There’s new trailer out today championing the re-release and if you want to know every intricate detail about what’s going into this Utimate Trilogy Blu-ray boxset then click no further…
Exciting times dino-fans.
Empire had this one.