To celebrate the release of Infamous, the new thriller starring Bella Thorne and Jake Manley, we sat down with some of the cast and crew to chat about it.
Written and directed by Joshua Caldwell (Be Somebody), Infamous tells the story of a criminal couple from a small Florida town (Thorne and Manley), who after a series of armed robberies, become infamous social media stars. On the run from the authorities, they continue their notorious exploits across the Southland, increasing in both violence and disorder to pursue social media fame, no matter the cost.
Chatting to Manley, Caldwell, and cinematographer Eve Cohen, we chatted to them about the film’s riff on classics like Bonnie and Clyde, the dangers of social media, and whether the experience of the film has changed their opinions and approach to all things Insta-famous.
You can watch the full interview below:
Infamous is released in the UK on digital platforms by Vertigo Releasing on July 31st.