Synopsis: Welcome to the Melbourne underworld, where tensions are building between dangerous criminals and equally dangerous police. The Wild West played out on the city’s streets. Armed robber Pope Cody (BEN MENDELSOHN) is in hiding, on the run from a gang of renegade detectives who want him dead. His business partner and best friend, Barry ‘Baz’ Brown (JOEL EDGERTON), wants out of the game, recognizing that their days of old-school banditry are all but over. Pope’s younger brother, the speed-addicted and volatile Craig Cody (SULLIVAN STAPLETON), is making a fortune in the illicit substances trade – the true cash cow of the modern criminal fraternity – while the youngest Cody brother, Darren (LUKE FORD), naively navigates his way through this criminal world – the only world his family has ever known. And into this world arrives their nephew, Joshua ‘J’ Cody (JAMES FRECHEVILLE).
Animal Kingdom has a UK release date as yet unknown but it’s out 13th August in the US.