This is the task that the Harry Potter cast have been presented with by the team at Empire – a rather arduous one, yet it makes for a different take on the myriad Deathly Hallows – Part 2 interviews and featurettes already flooding the internet.
How do you describe ten years of your life? It’d be hard, even if you hadn’t starred in one of the most successful movie franchises ever. There’s some who goes for the easy option – “Alright”, some who picks the road more travelled – “Inspirational” and “Unforgettable” – and some who just settles for the pure truth – it was “Life changing”. Empire have released the video, so you can watch their reactions to the challenge.
Special mention for Emma Watson, who perhaps came up with the most fitting word of all – “Magical” – and for Rupert Grint, who, well… struggled to find one in the first place. So very Ron Weasley of him…
Cue the melancholic background music – it really is the end. Enjoy the video…