Zach Galligan may not be a name that you’ll recognise straight away but he’s a man known very well amongst the HeyUGuys team as an 80’s legend as he’s best known for playing Billy in Gremlins 1&2. I’ve not seen him in anything since those two movies so to see him in this was a real blast from the past and to be honest, he hasn’t really changed! He opens the scene in the house with co-star (and producer), Dominic Burns with some rather amusing dialogue about how best they might be able to ‘perv’ on one of their rather attractive friends. This goes on for a while before they’re rumbled by Zach’s wife Natalie, played by Lauri Brewster. The camera then moves downstairs where we’re introduced to Andy (Simon Phillips) who is desperately trying to order a pizza in rather comedic fashion. As the night unfolds, rather strange things begin to happen and the danger level increases where the friends all start to realise they’re in serious danger and a chance of rescue is nowhere to be found.
The fact that 60 minutes of CUT is all one take has to be commended. If the camera had hit a wall, an actor forgets a line or a crew member speaks, ruins the entire shot and this must have taken hours upon hours of careful practice and very careful planning to achieve in its finished form. One character for example has three costume changes and all of these will have to have been done while the movie is filming in other rooms rather than having time for a change until her next take. You’ll have to watch the movie but seeing one of my childhood idols, Zach Galligan gagged and strapped semi-naked to a bed is something that I won’t forget in a hurry and getting ready for the camera to burst into the room must have been nerve-wracking!
Simon Phillips, Dominic Burns and Zach Galligan do a good job at adding humour to the story with my favourite line coming from Simon even in the middle of the horror stating – ‘I wish people would leave my weapon of choice alone!!’ You can just imagine that line coming from Simon Pegg in Shaun of the Dead! The baddies turn up mid-way through the movie and the make-up they’ve chosen for them is excellent. If you’re scared of clowns, this movie could seriously freak you out!
CUT is dark, clever and different. It doesn’t stick to the normal horror movie formula and it kept me entertained for the 70 minutes that it ran. If they were dishing out awards for a great idea, grit, perseverance or ingenuity, Alexander Williams’ film would definitely be on the list of nominations.
CUT is released on DVD this Monday, 8th March and you can purchase it here.