I’ll keep this post short for two reasons:

1) This news will no doubt change like every other time someone says they’re going to Direct The Hobbit

2) I need to go out!

A couple of weeks ago, Guillermo del Toro walked from directing the The Hobbit movie after MGM couldn’t work out what’s going to happen with their finances. I’ve checked that it’s not April 1st and found that HeatVision are now reporting that Peter Jackson is now in negotiations to direct the prequel story to that of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

News keeps coming up that new people are set to direct the movie (with Kenneth Branagh, David Yates and most recently Neill Blomkamp to be named and them unnamed!) that we all want to see but no one ever seems to go the whole hog. With Jackson set to Produce the movie anyway (and he’s co-written the screenplay), I guess he’s less likely to walk than anyone else?

We all wanted him to direct in the first place though didn’t we?

More as we get it!