The Guardian have unveiled the brand new UK trailer for Peter Weir’s The Way Back.

Set to open on December 26, The Way Back stars Ed Harris, Colin Farrell, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse Ronan, Dejan Angelov and Dragos Bucur.

The Way Back is the fact-based story of the escape of soldiers from a Siberian gulag in 1940. It is based on several sources, most notably the Slavomir Rawicz book The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom. The book is Rawicz’s account of being captured by the Red Army in 1939 and his journey to freedom with other inmates. The group crossed the Siberian arctic, the Gobi desert and the Himalayas, finally settling in Tibet and India.

The Way Back premiered at premiered at the Telluride Film Festival in September to positive reviews. The release will ensure the film qualifies for all major awards ceremonies.