Given that we’ve been in full nostalgia overload for the past few years it came as no surprise when the Lost Boys were found once again, updated in the anaemic sequel of last year: Lost Boys 2: The Tribe.
While Corey Feldman reassumed his role as Edgar Frog there was little to enjoy here as twenty years distance had offered nothing new to the Lost Boys mythology, and the skateboarding vamps were about as scary as Mary Poppins eating a cupcake. Worst of all the hazy angst of the first film was lost in favour of a fast paced gore fest, and so much of what made the original great was absent.
Good news then that the Lost Boys train looks set to run fully off the rails this time, as plot details emerge of Lost Boys 3: The Thirst.
This news comes to us via /Film who are quoting Production Weekly in detailing the ‘plot’ of the threequel:
When veteran vampire hunter Edgar Frog finds himself destitute and almost friendless, when [sic] a wealthy vampire-romance novelist offers him a small fortune to go on the vampire hunt of a lifetime and rescue her son.
Like, OME! While I watched Lost Boys 2 with not a little nostalgic whimsy I barely can read the sentence above without wishing the last nail in the Lost Boys be hammered shut. Nodding casually to Twilight is one thing, trying to leap onto the bandwagon in such a ridiculous manner is absurd. Casting Robert Pattinson is the only way to save this one.
And as if we needed any more bad news those who endured Lost Boys 2 to the bitter end were treated to a short cameo setting up the next film perfectly with the return of an old friend – I’m not going to spoil it, but LB fans will know what I’m talking about. As it happens the ‘old friend’ won’t be returning for the third film rendering it a bootless and deplorable end to the Lost Boys series.