There are numerous details yet to be confirmed for the sequel and it’s strongly rumoured that Stallone won’t be returning as director, which could be a great move as it could give the opportunity to one of the directors who worked on some of the action classics of years gone by or even a cult director working today.
There has been chat on Twitter that Neil Marshall would be a great choice which is hard to argue against, particularly given the quality of his output so far. As much as I love Marshall however, I can’t help but feel that this is unlikely and they’re much more likely to go for a more established name.
Casting for additional action stars to beef up the cast has also yet to be confirmed although Jean Claude Van Damme is expected to feature and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis are expected to have larger roles than their two minutes screen time in the first outing.
I appreciate that The Expendables wasn’t to everyone’s tastes, but I would say that if you didn’t laugh like a child at Terry Crews’ monster shotgun then you’re probably dead inside. Either that or you’re not a fan of action. Clearly I’m hoping for much more of this in the sequel.
We’ll bring you more news on Expendables 2 when it becomes available. In the mean time who would you like to see handle directorial duties and which action stars would you like to see feature in the sequel?