Avengers AssembleIn news that will please both Avengers fans and us Brits, Screen Daily has revealed that the sequel to my favourite movie of 2012 is set to not only start filming early 2014 but will also film right here in England at Pinewood-Shepperton.

According to the article, we can expect to see the movie released Spring 2015 and it’ll be shooting at Shepperton Studios which recently played host to Thor: The Dark World and is set to host Guardians of the Galaxy when it films this summer.

The Avengers brought in a massive .5bn worldwide and it’s no surprise that Marvel (now part of Disney) want to get the sequel moving as fast as possible. More as we get it but the source of the info is here.

Comments if you’re excited for this one please!

In other news, if you missed it previously, check out the gerat images that we found in the post called ‘If Superheroes were Sponsored‘ featuring images like this one.

The Avengers Branded Suits (2)