Wondercon rolls on over in Anaheim, CA as I type and you can expect a number of teases and trailers to emerge online over the next few days.

As the Sony panel kicks off there’s a new video and a new website set up to ramp up engagement ahead of the release of Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man which has emerged tonight. WebbedMenace.com is the place to report sightings of your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and you can bet there’ll be additions to this site in the coming months.

Right now there’s a video of a news report featuring Capt. Stacey as played by Denis Leary (his face played by Willem Dafoe) talking about the police’s reaction to the new vigilante/criminal. It’s fun and a nice extension of the world Webb and his friends have created, and another example of how movies are now set up before we have the chance to buy tickets.

Here’s the video,

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0U_7V8SeoY’]

And the Wanted poster,

And this image, from the sightings page, will haunt me.