X-Men: Days of Future Past was a hit and Deadpool far exceeded expectations, but X-Men: Apocalypse ended up being a commercial and critical disappointment for 20th Century Fox.

As a result, the studio is now rethinking its plans for the franchise, and The Hollywood Reporter reveals that “the reset button has been pressed” on the X-Men moving forward. Simon Kinberg is currently working on the screenplay, but Bryan Singer will not return, and while it’s being written in the hope thatĀ Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, and James McAvoy will sign new contracts, there’s a chance that it could go ahead without them.

Interestingly, while Deadpool 2 may have recently lost director Tim Miller, the studio already has big plans for a third instalment which would introduce superhero hero X-Force. A spinoff revolving around the team has been in the works for years, but it sounds like a third instalment of the Merc with the Mouth’s franchiseĀ could be used as a launching platform.

There’s still no word on Gambit, but things are looking good for New Mutants as the trade mentions that it could begin shooting as soon as next spring. Logan meanwhile is obviously still set to be released in March, and based on what we’ve seen so far, it will be amazing!