Synopsis: Gritty prison thriller SCREWED turns the genre on its head by showing life behind bars through the eyes of the guards.
James D’Arcy (Master & Commander, Exorcist: The Beginning, Secret Diary of a Call Girl) stars as Sam, an English everyman forced to take a job as a prison officer on his return from a traumatic tour of duty in Iraq. He quickly bonds with his hardened fellow screws but the violence and desperation he witnesses on the job and his haunting memories of bloodshed overseas draw him down into a world of drink and drugs – a world in which he is increasingly alienated from his family.
When a confrontation with the prison authorities on the inside and the fatal shooting of a fellow officer on the outside lead Sam to the realisation that the watchmen may be as corrupt as the prisoners they’re paid to watch, he becomes embroiled in a potentially deadly game of cat-and-mouse against the background of a full-scale cellblock riot.
Screwed is produced and co-written by the man who lived it, Ronnie Thompson, and directed by Reg Traviss (Joy Division, Psychosis).
Screwed stars James D’Arcy, Noel Clarke, Jamie Foreman, Kate McGowan, Ray Panthaki, Doug Allen, Frank Harper and is directed by Reg Traviss. You can expect to see quite a bit more from this one between now and June.