The wayward and disillusioned Robbie sneaks into the maternity hospital to visit his young girlfriend Leonie and hold his new-born son Luke for the first time. Overwhelmed by the moment, he swears that Luke will not have the same tragic life he has had.
Escaping a prison sentence by the skin of his teeth, he’s given one last chance and while serving a community service order, he meets Rhino, Albert and Mo who, like him, find it impossible to find work because of their criminal records.
Together the four friends embark on an adventure and discover that turning to drink might just change their lives – not cheap fortified wine, but the best malt whiskies in the world.
But will it be ‘slopping out’ for the next twenty years, or a new future with ‘Uisge Beatha’ the ‘Water of Life?’ Only the angels know……..
The Guardian debuted the first trailer for the film earlier today, you can see that here.