Directed by Robert Zemeckis, Allied is actually an original story scripted by Steven Knight (Locke). He’s revealed in the past that the movie is based on a true story he was told at the age of 21, so this is a tale he’s clearly been carrying around with him ever since then.
Allied tells the story of intelligence officer Max Vatan, who in 1942 North Africa encounters French Resistance fighter Marianne Beausejour on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Reunited in London, their relationship is threatened by the extreme pressures of the war.
It’s too soon to say whether or not Allied could end up being an Oscar contender, but it certainly has all the making of one and is obviously being released at the right time of year!
The movie also stars Lizzy Caplan, Matthew Goode, Raggey Cassidy, Charlotte Hope, and Jared Harris, and it’s currently set to be released on November 23rd, later this year.