The set up to Stolen isn’t staggeringly original, the marketing and name-change can be attributed to the success of the similarly themed Taken but Cage and Co can easily come up with something interesting given the right script.
I spoke to the film’s writer David Guggenheim last year in the press whirligig for Safe House and he outlined the genesis of the project,
[A]bout eight years ago I wrote an action script called Medallion that was optioned just before I set up Safe House. It’s since been changed to Stolen, but the concept has stayed the same: Nicolas Cage plays a bank robber who goes to jail after a heist gone bad. When he gets out, his ex partner takes his estranged daughter and locks her in the trunk of a taxi. He then offers to trade him the taxi’s medallion number for the money he thinks Cage has waiting for him on the outside.
Safe House was a straight forward violent action film with a couple of big name stars and in the same vein to Stolen director Simon West’s recent The Expendables 2 which eschewed the tongue-in-cheek nostalgia elements producing a brutal po-faced actioner. All things point to a similar no-nonsense affair here.
The 22nd of March is the release date, check out the trailer and poster right here.
Poster put together by Name Creative.