This evening the cast and crew of Earthquake Bird, the new crime drama coming next month to Netflix. It stars Alicia Vikander, Riley Keough, Kiki Sukezane, Ken Yamamura, Naoki Kobayashi and Jack Huston and was written and directed by Wash Westmoreland. It premiered at the 2019 London Film Festival, and will be released on Netflix on the 15th of November.

Colin Hart and Scott Davis were at the premiere in the Leicester Square in London, here are the interviews from the red carpet.

Earthquake Bird LFF Premiere Interviews


A young woman living in Tokyo becomes the prime suspect in a horrific murder when her friend goes missing in the wake of a tumultuous love triangle. Lucy is a buttoned-up, MUJI-clad translator who has been in Japan for five years and is desperate to blend in. Her reticent nature hides old scars. There’s also the fact that people around her keep dying – accidentally or otherwise. After a street encounter with hot photographer Teiji (Naoki Kobayashi), she quickly finds herself under his spell, despite all the warning signs. And the pot is stirred further when American nurse Lily (Riley Keough) – all blowzy sexual confidence and cultural naivety – arrives in town and Lucy experiences some frightening impulses. Wash Westmoreland has crafted a moody and intriguing update on 1980s psycho-sexual thrillers, shifting the emphasis onto the psychology of the female protagonist. Alicia Vikander is astonishing in a role that explores cultural fascination, belonging and obsession.