So, last week saw the (admittedly pretty cool) rumour that Michael Fassbender was being sought to play Erik Lensherr (or Magneto to his enemies) in Vaughn’s film, and Aaron Johnson also orbiting the production as a potential Cyclops after this photo made its way online…

Then An Educated girl Rosamund Pike was tipped to play Emma Frost – but hold! There are more rumours and counter-rumours to this one.
The Playlist have a good take on this, and bring updated rumours of Pike’s involvement – that she is not in line, as expected, for Emma Frost but as Professor X’s personal assistant Moira MacTaggert.
Leaping aboard the rumour train too is Amber Heard, she of the Pineapple Express and Mandy Lane (whom all the boys loved) fame. Heard is rumoured to be a shoo-in or a young Mystique.
Make of these what you will. I’m hoping for some official confirmation, as while Fantasy X-Men is all well and good it would be nice to have a real cast list to play with.