Wonder Woman has been a critical and commercial hit and is a game changer for the DC Films Universe, so you’d best believe Warner Bros. is pushing forward with a sequel. Of course, that follow-up has yet to receive a release date, but it’s happening and Geoff Johns has now confirmed that he’s penning a treatment alongside director Patty Jenkins.
“Patty and I are writing the treatment right now. The goal is to make another great Wonder Woman film. I had a blast making it with Patty the first time. We’ve got a cool idea for the second one.” Johns managed to avoid confirming that Jenkins will direct the follow-up, but chances are she definitely will given her involvement in the early stages of development.
DC Films co-chief Jon Berg was then asked if the upcoming Justice League reshoots (which
That’s probably true, but after the overwhelmingly positive response to Wonder Woman, it will be surprising if her role in Justice League isn’t beefed up at least a little for fans.
As for what Wonder Woman’s success means for the future of female-led superhero movies in this world, Johns promised big things to come and made it clear that DC can’t be beaten. “We’ve got a lot of plans for our female characters just because they’re great characters. There are many wonderful elements to the DC Universe, and one of them is that we have the best female characters, heroes and villains, in the world. No one is going to beat Wonder Woman and Batgirl and Harley Quinn.” Stay tuned for more on Wonder Woman 2!