Hall Pass also stars Christina Applegate, Richard Jenkins and Stephen Merchant. Scroll down to view our interview with the duo.
If you missed our theatrical review of the film, you can check it out here.
HeyUGuys: Tell us about Rick and Fred and how they drive their wives to give them Hall Pass…
JASON SUDEIKIS: Why do they drive them to do it? They don’t know any better, it’s unintentional.
OWEN WILSON: Rick never really finds out exactly how Fred got his hall pass. With Rick, his wife’s a little frustrated. We’re in a little bit of a rut in our marriage, and she sees him kind of looking at other women. She’s says, ‘Okay, if he thinks the grass is greener, you know what, take a week off from marriage.’
JASON SUDEIKIS: Go over there and try to mow some grass, buddy.
OWEN WILSON: Have at it. See how it works for you.
HeyUGuys: Was there a lot of ad-libbing happening?
JASON SUDEIKIS: Not so much ad-libbing as it was just discussing the scene quickly before you do it. Then you would have a little bit of a nuance or a way to change the line or make it feel a little more natural, and then you make the adjustment.
When you have someone as skilled [as Owen] it’d have to make sense to him in order for it to work for me.
HeyUGuys: Owen, what’s it like not getting the girls? Is it a big change from your past roles?
With this character, as soon as I put on the wardrobe and looked in the mirror at the look that they had for me I realized that this character is not cool. It was bit of a funny look. It seemed very suburban schlub.
HeyUGuys: What was it like on the set? Was it hard to keep it together?
JASON SUDEIKIS: Not during the scenes, I don’t think we really wasted a lot of takes. Yet, we were having a good time. A lot of the crazy things we had to do weren’t together. It was when we were separate – me in the car, Owen in the hot tub
OWEN WILSON: I was just begging to get Jason back. It was when I was on my own that I had to do the crazy stuff.
HeyUGuys: Jason, what’s your favorite part about Owen in this movie?
JASON SUDEIKIS: It would probably be how believable he is at the end of the movie. I like that little speech that he gives he explains to Jenna about his feelings. I’m a sucker for that kind of stuff. I think that’s usually my favorite parts in a movie is when it comes around to the other side.
HeyUGuys: Owen, how about you with Jason?
OWEN WILSON: I can just look at the poster and the set to his expression. It’s jaunty. There’s something very funny to me about somebody’s who’s very like very inept, but very jaunty about it; screwing things up and getting things wrong, but still has like a misplaced confidence in himself. It was a very lovable quality that old Fred had.