class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-8252″ title=”Invictus – Morgan Freeman” src=”×150.jpg” alt=”” width=”220″ height=”150″ />Many people I know (one in particular!) can’t wait to see Invictus. It stars Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman and tells the story of how Nelson Mandela and the then captain of the South African rugby team, Francois Pienaar, use the sport to reunite their apartheid-torn country. The trailers have looked wonderful and when I tell you that legend actor / director Clint Eastwood is directing, it adds a whole new dimension of excitement-to-see.
Warner Bros. have sent us two new images, one of Matt Damon surrounded by loads of kids with the South African team and Morgan Freeman in his prison cell. Having already been nominated for an array of Screen Actors Guild and Golden Globe Awards as well as being hotly tipped for Oscar® success, Invictus is most definitely one to watch out for. It’s released 5th February so not too long to wait.
Click the images below to enlarge.