Wonder if Oz is any good? It looks well shot and the effects work appears to be more than adequate for this type of low-budget fantasy flick. This has been produced by an independent company called MarVista Entertainment Inc, who seem to have a little more money then Asylum, as the ensemble cast proves. B-movie regulars like Christopher Lloyd, Lance Henrikson and Jeffrey Combs are all present and correct, and it’s also a shrewd move on the company’s behalf to cast two former Hobbits (Sean Astin and Billy Boyd).
Maybe Scott, having cut his teeth on a large number of Asylum schlock (often multitasking) has learned to produce something of quality here, the same way that the movie brats in the 70’s learned their trade through making cheap product for producer Roger Corman.
It’s doubtful that we have another Spielberg on out hands, but maybe this director is what the cash-strapped film/TV movie industry needs.
Judge for yourself below: