Back in 2018, the world stood by as the story of thirteen boys were trapped in an increasingly dangerous flooding cave in Thailand, with the joyous and safe return of all thirteen lives it was only a matter of time before this story would land in the hands of legendary filmmaker Ron Howard to re-tell.

The story focuses on the real-life story of the boy’s football team from Thailand who became trapped in a cave for more than two weeks when heavy rains partially flooded the cave, blocking their way out.

All twelve of the boys were rescued along with their 25-year-old coach, though the effort claimed the life of a retired Thai Navy SEAL, Saman Kunan, who ran out of air while saving the kids. Another rescue diver died a year and a half later as a result of a blood infection contracted during the rescue.

We sat down with Howard and the stars of the film Colin Farrell, Joel Edgerton, Tom Bateman, Teeradon Supapunpinyo “James” and Sahajak “Poo” Boonthanki and real-life rescuer Rick Stanton to talk about the making of the film.