Based on the American comic book series, The Archies is a film by Zoya Akhtar that successfully blends Hollywood cinema, with Indian culture, feeling distinctively like a film to have been born out of the latter, yet infused with inspiration from classic American teen productions.
To mark the release of this film, which launches on Netflix on December 7th – we had the pleasure of speaking to Akhtar, as she talks about the process of blending cultures and influences, and creating a film that has global appeal. She also talks about the benefit of streaming sites, and how they can help bring accessibility to productions of this nature. She also speaks about working with the cast, and how their wide-eyed enthusiasm for the industry rubbed off on the rest of the crew.
Watch the full interview with Zoya Akhtar here:
Set in 1960s India, Archie and the gang navigate romance, friendship and the future of Riverdale as developers threaten to destroy a beloved park.
The Archies comes to Netflix on December 7th