Renowned, primarily, for his performances in gritty, British thrillers – Tamer Hassan’s latest endeavour represents something of a departure for the actor, playing the chief antagonist in the moving period piece Bitter
However he has since returned back to his roots – starring as Harry in the forthcoming Snatch TV series – and speaking to HeyUGuys Hassan explained that fans of the original Guy Ritchie movie are bound to love what’s in store.
“It’s the same formula, Snatch is the coolest movie brand on the planet as you know,” he said. “It’s comedy and I love comedy and it’s brilliant the way it’s done. If you like Snatch, it’s ten Snatch movies. The cast is great, I mean Rupert Grint in Snatch? You’re gonna be pleasantly surprised because he is brilliant”.
This clip was of course taken out of an interview promoting Bitter Harvest, and Hassan explains to us how remarkable a story this is, and how he can’t quite believe it’s not one he knew about before. He goes on to call it a “must-see” movie, and discusses how he went about finding a semblance of pity in such a tyrannical figure. Finally, he told us about an incident with a horse on set, which left him with a fractured foot. Hassan tends to portray hard men though, so needless to say he ignored doctor’s advice and carried on. Proper geezer. You can watch the full interview below.
Bitter Harvest is released on February 24th.