So far this is the only image from the Transformers trilogy to not contain at least twelve over-pixelated robots* – however, being a set photo there is still time – the latest behind-the-scenes picture (via MTV) from Transformers 3 shows Shia LaBeouf throwing himself down the side of a glass-fronted building.

After suffering a whole host of injuries courtesy of the film series so far, you might have expected LaBeouf to have thrown in the towel and left most of the stuntwork to a professional. Undeterred by the near-loss of an eye, however, the Wall Street star is clearly happy to throw caution to the wind whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon, MICHAEL BAY’s trilogy-capping final instalment, is scheduled for a July 1 , 2011 release – its star’s well-being permitting.

*A slight exaggeration, I admit.