Deadline are reporting that Josh Zetumer will be the man to write the script and will work closely with Padilha to create a version of Robocop that they’re both happy with.
Josh Zetumer might not be the most notable of screenwriters given the fact that he’s yet to have a film made based on his material, but don’t let that put you off as a script he wrote entitled Infiltrator made the Black List and has been picked up by Warner Brothers.
He has also penned scripts for the fourth instalment of the Bourne franchise and Dune but both of those, whilst are reportedly solid scripts, seem unlikely to be used.
I like how the project is shaping up and the studio seem to be going for talented but relatively inexperienced, certainly when it comes to films of this scale, people to take on key roles. Cynics could say that this is merely to keep costs down but I guess we’ll have to see what the end product is like.
We’ll keep you updated with the news on the Robocop reboot as and when it becomes available.