Rich-Moore-Wreck-It-RalphIn a little over a week’s time, Rich Moore is going to be stood on a stage in LA, collecting an Oscar for Wreck it Ralph*. The movie is sweet, touching and utterly brilliant. And it’s also inspired the rather interesting essay on the site. Naturally, when we spoke to Moore earlier this week, we brought that article up, but we also discussed the development process, how the many hundreds of in jokes are layered into the movie, and the use of different styles of animation for different characters.

Check it out below.

Wreck-It Ralph is released in UK cinemas TODAY! 8th February. You can read our review of the movie here. If you missed our interview with Sarah Silverman which went live on the site yesterday, click here to have a watch. You can also click here to see all our coverage of Wreck-It Ralph on HeyUGuys.

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*If it doesn’t, I’ll eat my hat**

**I don’t own a hat. If it doesn’t win, could someone please make me a hat out of cake