Apple iPad 2If you are sporting a new iPad following the festive period then you might want to fill her up with some fine movie related apps. And there are many out there to choose from; a number befitting the ubiquitous contraption.

Carphone Warehouse have asked us to take a look at the best movie apps out there for the iPad, from the streaming services which are becoming more and more prevalent to booking your tickets to the all important business of movie news.

This is not a definitive list, simply the apps we’ve found we’ve called up the most. There are many more out there, from making your own films to diving into the endless ocean of movie trivia and everything in between, the slogan is more than likely true – they probably is an app for that.

Making films

Final Draft iPad App Icon

Final Draft Writer/Reader

Perhaps the world’s best known screenwriting software took its sweet time going mobile but there’s no doubt that it has made the transition with commendable ease. The iPad app is not only cheaper than its computer based forbear but it maintains the main functionality, streamlining the options without losing too much of the usefulness and it has the all-important save to the cloud option.

Where this comes in handy is that they have chosen, wisely as it turns out, not to port the writing part of the package over to the iPhone but they have released a Final Draft Reader app which means you can find out about the last-minute changes to your script via your phone rather than having the pages thrust into your hands on set…


celtx iPad App IconCeltx

This is long standing alternative to Final Draft and the app keeps the features which have made it a viable (and cheaper) option for many. It is a pleasure to use and syncs up with your desktop for cross platform purposes.

Storyboard Composer iPad App IconStoryboard Composer

Cinemek have carved out a particularly cunning niche for themselves with a very formidable app which does exactly what it says it will – if you’re composing storyboards for your film then you could do much worse than pick up this tool.

With its ability to use photos and overlay them with the usual storyboarding symbols this is an answer to a problem you didn’t even knew you had. It’s expensive but not for what it does.

iMovie iPad App IconiMovie

This is the mobile application of Apple’s basic movie editing software and, like Apple’s other iLife suite of apps, this makes the transition to the iPad very well indeed.

This will never replace your Final Cut and certainly isn’t a portable Avid app but the range of straightforward editing and transition tools will make your child’s third birthday party look like a well run event. It won’t be Spielberg but it’ll look a darn sight better than throwing the rushes up onto your TV.

Watching films

Vimeo iPad App IconVimeo

When it comes to online video Vimeo is the better looking but less popular cousin to YouTube.

The recently released App is a thing of beauty, not only allowing you to watch the crisp HD videos on their system quickly but also you can shoot, edit and upload all within the app itself.

The quality of the app is worth a look, and as it’s free you have no excuse not to dive into a deeper pool of movies on the go.

YouTube iPad App IconYouTube  / Jasmine

YouTube is an obvious winner on the iPad, and the newly released app is a fine storefront for the millions of videos contained therein. It’s a time sink to be sure, but it’s intuitively put together to help you find the diamonds in the considerable rough.

Jasmine is a stripped down alternative which I’ve found myself going to more and more when venturing out onto the online video market.

Netflix iPad App IconNetflix / Lovefilm

Lovefilm iPad App IconThe two giants of online movie streaming have improved themselves considerably in the last year, though the differentiators remain, and need to be addressed as they are the reasons as to why you would choose one over the other.

In its first year Netflix has made a considerable push for the hearts and minds of the growing audience for streaming movies online and it has succeeded in its focusing of the streaming only option, something which Lovefilm also allow their users to do but as they offer a DVD by post option their focus is split.

This year we’ll see an even more fierce battle being fought between the two. Netflix has the wide range of films, but a troublesome UI which doesn’t make the most of their offering and Lovefilm are already adding newer films more often to their lineup. Both apps are fine for what they do – my advice is to look at the offerings of each and make your choice.

Enjoying films

IMDb iPad App IconIMDb

This one is fairly self-explanatory and those who have jumped online to answer a ‘tip of the tongue’ question while watching a film with friends will know the portable application of IMDb is one oft used.

The app has gone under a recent renovation and looks better than ever – the iPad version in particular is a pleasure to use.

Vue cinemas iPad App IconVue cinemas

Most of the cinema chains have their own app now and it makes complete sense to give the user all the information they will need before booking their tickets.

Trailers, reviews and all manner of cinema specific info can be found in these apps and for the most part they are an intuitive experience. With ticket confirmations direct to mobile you can expect a number of improvements to be made here.