Kristen Stewart On the Road PosterOur friends from Screenslam are doing a great series of interviews every day this week with some of the cast from brand new movie, On the Road. The cast that has gathered for this movie is simply brilliant and all this week we’ll be hearing from them. The first part of the interview with Kristen Stewart, Sam Riley & Garrett Hedlund has gone up on their site and they’ve provided an embed code which is placed below. Make sure you check their site every day this week for the rest of the interviews and maybe I’ll add each part to this post so that you can find them all as they’re unveiled.

On the Road is directed by Walter Salles and also stars Amy Adams, Viggo Mortensen, Steve Buscemi, Kirsten Dunst and is based on the book by Jack Kerouac.

Here’s what Wikipedia tells us about the book on which the movie is based:

It is a largely autobiographical work that was based on the spontaneous road trips of Kerouac and his friends across mid-century America. It is often considered a defining work of the postwar Beat Generation that was inspired by jazz, poetry, and drug experiences. While many of the names and details of Kerouac’s experiences are changed for the novel, hundreds of references in On the Road have real-world counterparts.

On The Road is released September 21st here in the UK. If you missed it, you can see the trailer here.