In another comic video blog, we get to see Nick Frost play golf along with his on-screen (and probably real life) buddies played by Rory Kinnear (Gary) and Tim Plester (Mickey) for another scene in the movie Cuban Fury. We’ve had some pretty terrible weather over the last few weeks here in the UK but on the day this was shot, it was a glorious sunny day which according to Nick is perfect for the scene. My favourite part is the new game that they’ve invented known as ‘Golf Catch’ where you have to hit the ball to someone who has to catch it before breaking their fingers!

Looks like they’re having a lot of fun making this movie and I’m looking to see it when it hits the cinemas next year. Cuban Fury also stars Rashida Jones, Chris O’Dowd, Olivia Colman, Ian McShane and is directed by James Griffiths.

If you missed Video Blog #1, have a watch here, and #2 can be seen here.

Beneath Bruce Garrett’s shabby, overweight exterior, the passionate beating heart of a salsa king lays dormant. Only one woman can reignite his Latin fire. Spotlight hits, sweat drips, heels click – Nick Frost IS Cuban Fury.

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