Horrid Henry: The Movie stars Anjelica Huston as Henry’s terrifying teacher Miss Battle-Axe, alongside, Rebecca Front as Henry’s headmistress Ms Oddbod, Richard E Grant as a rival headmaster and Parminder Nagra as Miss Lovely. Noel Fielding makes an appearance as Killer Boy Rats’ frontman Ed Banger, joining Jo Brand as the Demon Dinner Lady, Matthew Horne as Henry’s Dad and Prunella Scales as Great Aunt Greta. And introducing new young stars, Scarlett Stitt as Moody Margaret, Ross Marron as Perfect Peter and Theo Stevenson as Horrid Henry. Nick Moore helms the project as director with a script from Lucinda Whiteley.
Synopsis: The first ever British kid’s movie to be filmed in 3D, Horrid Henry: The Movie stars Anjelica Huston as Henry’s terrifying teacher Miss Battle-Axe, alongside, Rebecca Front as Henry’s headmistress Ms Oddbod and Richard E Grant as a rival headmaster, with Parminder Nagra as Miss Lovely,  Noel Fielding makes an appearance as Killer Boy Rats’ frontman Ed Banger, joining Jo Brand as the Demon Dinner Lady, Matthew Horne as Henry’s Dad and Prunella Scales as Great Aunt Greta.  And introducing new young stars, Scarlett Stitt as Moody Margaret and Theo Stevenson as Horrid Henry.
Love these new images, some of which are from behind the scenes and give us a good look at the production of the movie. You can click each image to enlarge. Horrid Henry his UK cinemas 29th July. If you missed the trailers and the rest of our Horrid Henry coverage, you can see it all here.