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Directed by the Hughes Brothers (Menace II Society) and starring two of the greatest actors that have ever lived in Denzel Washington (American Gangster) and Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight), The Book of Eli is a film I’ve been anticipating since pre-production.
The film’s premise is outlined as:
In a post-apocalyptic world, a lone hero, Eli (Denzel Washington), guards the Book of Eli, which provides knowledge that could redeem society. The despot (Gary Oldman) of a small, makeshift town plans to take possession of the book.
Co-starring are: Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange), Michael Gambon (Layer Cake), Jennifer Beals (Flashdance), Ray Stevenson (Outpost), and Mila Kunis (Forgetting Sarah Marshall).
The Book of Eli is scheduled for release on January 15 2010, and I’ll be the first in line.