Our Idiot Brother is a Paul Rudd comedy, so it’ll immediately have charmed many of you into submission and while I can’t find it easy to forgive the bass slapping dance thing out of I Love You Man* I’ll buy him as a likeable stoner who annoys his family when he arrives on the doorstep of his three sisters.

Elizabeth Banks, Zooey Deschanel and Emily Mortimer are those sisters and are the focus of the new clip and it’s always a pleasure to see Mortimer on screen even when she’s being harangued by the other two. Steve Coogan turns up in this one too as husband to a sister and the trailer we saw recently made it look as if there’s a decent script to go with the so so premise.

The film played pretty well at Sundance and there’s just over three weeks until it turns up on America’s door with a blunt in one hand and a guitar in the other demanding to be let in. No news as to a UK release.

MovieWeb served this one up,


* This is what I mean…