To coincide with our rather awesome Burke and Hare World Premiere competition that went live last night, Entertainment Film have also given us some brand new high resolution images from the movie.
There’s a couple of images of Isla Fisher who plays….. ummmm and acrobat (see trailer) along with the lead characters played by Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis. I’ve embedded the images below and you can click each to enlarge.
Burke and Hare is released in UK cinemas 29th October and we can’t wait to see it to bring you a review.
Synopsis: BURKE & HARE is a comedic take on the true story of the 1828 Edinburgh body-snatchers William Burke (Simon Pegg) and William Hare (Andy Serkis). These two Irish entrepreneurs, spurred on by a chance meeting with a gorgeous actress (Isla Fisher), discover that a dead body can fetch a hefty price when the demands of the leading medical professors Dr. Knox (Tom Wilkinson) and Dr. Monroe (Tim Curry) reach beyond that of the local supply.
If you haven’t already entered, click here to win tickets to the World Premiere.